Remaining Faithful

Vol. 1 Issue 10- November 2013

Crossover Family and Friends,

“Hallelujah, Thank you Jesus!” is what I am shouting out loud from the top of my lungs. Have you ever experienced God’s favor so clearly that you know without a doubt that there must be a God? Believing in God is powerful, but being faithful in what God calls you to do is even more powerful. I have been through a series of testing of faith in this year of 2013.


I started a journey of volunteering in full-time ministry as an intern at Crossover Church at the beginning of this year. I was challenged with coming to the understanding that I had to be stretched further in my faith for the glory of God. It was no longer just focus on my relationship with Christ, but to receive the responsibility of teaching the Word of God and most important for me personally, was to trust God in a way I had never done before. It was to fully rely on God and keeping the faith that he was still going to provide in the midst of not having any financial income anymore.

Answering to God’s call is an honor, yet I find it very intimidating as well. All kinds of thoughts went through my head. “God, are you sure you chose me for this task?” “What if I cannot meet the expectations of the Crossover congregation and most importantly, “What about God’s expectations?”

This year I experienced 8 months where I had to wait on God for answers.  I was waiting on immigration services who would determine whether I was going to be approved to remain in the U.S. at Crossover Church or possibly returning back home to Amsterdam, The Netherlands. On top of that I had to be courageous and bold enough to share my story with anyone I could, to raise the awareness and to raise up committed and faithful sponsors for the next two years at Crossover Church. Praise God, for everything that He has provided for me, for I truly see His work made perfect.

Are you being tested right now in this season in your life? Is God calling you, but you have not answered yet? The best move you can truly make is following God’s way, even when you do not know the outcome. The lesson I learned is as follow:

“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.”- Luke 6:10

Crossover’s Agenda for the month of November:
 - Nov 13 – Night of Worship at 730pm
 - Nov 16- CMAC is hosting a Bootcamp Fun Family Day $10 p.p. and $15 per family 
 - Nov 17- Got teenagers? Have them come to the Youth service The Movement @ 7p
 - Nov 24- Membership 101 course – Make it official and become part of the family

Find out now how you can support Nikita Carter as a missionary:
- Check out my support page The Missionary Life @
- How can I pray for you? Email me your prayer requests at

We live by faith, and not by sight
— 2 Corinthians 7

Relationships Matter

Vol. 1 Issue 9- October 2013

Crossover Family and Friends,

It is with joy that I write this issue to you all. I pray that each of you is doing well and that you remain passionate about the love of God. If you are in a Roots Group right now, then I hope that you are building relationships with others and that you are growing in your faith as well. If you are not currently in a Roots Group, then I encourage you to become part of a group in the upcoming semester.


Let’s look at the meaning of relationships this month. When I lead my Roots Groups relationships are the number one thing I encourage to my group participants. The one thing I want people to understand is that God is about people, therefore you and I should be concerned about the affairs of others. Do not enter into a Roots Group thinking that you are there only for your own spiritual benefit, but be open to learn that God has you there to share life with others in that moment and time, to pray for others, to grow with others and to care simply about people. We are to learn from one another and see the blessings that come from it.

Crossover’s Urban Leadership Conference Flavor Fest was just a week ago, and if you were serving in anyway at this amazing event, then you must have observed what I was able to see. People from places all over the country and world came to this 3-day conference to build, to connect, to relate, and to share with one another their pain, their struggles and their experiences in ministry all for the same greater purpose and vision, which is to serve God ultimately.

Everything we do becomes a success when we work together and unite. Whether you are in full-time ministry or whether you are at your job or at school; being independent is great, but we have to make sure as a body of Christ that we remember that we all need one another in order for us to be successful in the programs that we start or in which we participate.

What’s new for the month of October:
 - Oct 19- Ladies join me at the Zumbathon Fundraiser for CMAC
   Get tickets online @ 
 - Oct 20- Got teenagers? Have them come to Youth service  The Movement @ 7p
 - Oct 25- Andy Mineo Concert @ Crossover Church @7pm
 - Oct 27- Membership 101 course – Become part of the Crossover Family

Are you ready to support a Missionary ?
- Check out my support page @
- Send me your prayer requests or questions at

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another
— John 13:34

The Art of Preparation

Vol. 1 Issue 8


How are you today? What has God been teaching you lately? I am praying that this letter finds you in good spirits. On top of that I am thanking God for the amazing months we already have had this year. From going debt free, to the biggest back2school outreach event ever, followed by expanding the Kidz Wing and in less than a month our annual Flavor Fest Conference will be taking place at Crossover Church.

First of all God has been faithful and has allowed me to share weekly with many Crossover members about my missionary stay here in the USA at Crossover. Currently, I have a total of 29 people who have committed to support me monthly for the time that I am serving full-time at Crossover, this support amounts up to $820 monthly! Praise God for His provision through the people in my life here at Crossover Church. The goal is to raise $1000 monthly while residing and serving full-time as a missionary at Crossover. If God moves on your heart to become a supporter, then please visit The Missionary Life support page at

For me this month of September is a month of learning the meaning of preparation and enjoying the process of preparation. I have come to realize that it is truly an art to be well prepared in anything we do in life. Whether I teach, worship, dance, go to work, or get ready for the next day, it all brings benefit when I choose to be prepared. Jesus trained and prepared his disciples for when he would leave earth. God prepared Moses for his purpose in life, to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Timothy was called by God as a young man and under Paul, he was  being prepared to set an example in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity for the believers. Likewise, I encourage you to be a person who prepares well. I have learned within my six months in ministry that everything I do is in preparation for later. The vision for me is to lead others in the upcoming Crossover Music & Arts Center (CMAC). The upcoming students, upcoming teachers, and the Arts ministry are all to the glory of God. Along with that comes knowing how to lead, how to mentor, and how to stay in order administratively.  So, keep preparing yourself in God, in the Word and in all positions that are presented to you as you serve faithfully.

                                               What’s new for the month of September:

 -September 6-The Parenting Forum- Run Your Fam, God’s Way!

- September 8- New Attendees Party @ 11.45am and 7pm
- September 15- The Amazing Movement youth service @ 7pm. Teenagers be present!
- September 29- Membership 101. Become part of a wonderful church family!

Are you ready to support Nikita Carter as a Missionary ?

 -Yes, then sign up now as a supporter @

-  Send me your prayer requests or questions at


For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
— Mark 10:45