
Vol. 1 Issue 7- August 2013

Dear Crossover Family,


What’s new this month? I am excited and inspired when I think about the Back2School Jam. This day is going to be impactful. CMAC raised about $1000 through the Art Fundraiser and the Poet Soul event. Praise God for the phenomenal success.

If you missed out on the Art Fundraiser sign-up don’t worry, you can still be a participant by signing up. As of July 21, you can now donate through online giving towards CMAC at  For every $100 pledge towards the CMAC ministry you will receive four private lessons offered in Dance (Hip-hop, Modern, Salsa) and Piano lessons. If you are interested or would like to surprise someone with four private lessons, then email the Creative Arts Ministry through email for more details or questions at

PoetSoul was definitely off the chain! The sanctuary was transformed into a laidback lounge, where everyone was able to enjoy an inspiring night of Spoken Word, Dance and music dedicated to glorify God. One thing is for sure, Crossover Church has a pool of talented people. Did you miss out on this evening? Don't worry, pre-order of the Poet Soul DVD will become available this month.

The Missionary Life
As of July 15, 2013 new documentation has been requested and provided towards my Religious Visa immigration case. I am patiently waiting to hear back a response. Once again I thank God first for working through my life and the 20 people who have chosen to become a consistent supporter towards my stay at Crossover Church. Your prayers and support are powerful, effective and appreciated. 
I am inspired by your acts of kindness and love towards me. For that, always, thank you!

                                                What’s new for the month of August:
 -August 11, SoulMag TV Freestyle competition
- August 15, Come Together Concert with Propaganda, KB and many more @ 7.30pm
- August 17, Back2School Jam, don’t miss out on this amazing community outreach
- August 18, New Run Your Family, God’s way series launches and Waterpark after service
- August 25, Join the Crossover Family and take Membership 101 class @ 10am or 7pm

How can you Support?

- Become a monthly supporter by pledging towards Nikita's Missionary Stay at Crossover Church visit

- Pray for God's will to be done, as Nikita serves full-time in the USA. 

- Email her any of your questions, prayer requests, praise reports at

“For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength”- Philippians 4:13


Check out Crossover Church with our B-boy Jam on July 21


God is amazing! Mission Trip to Coushatta LA July 7-July 14 with Thru Guidance Ministries



Vol. 1 Issue 6-July 2013

Dear friends,

How are you doing today? How is God moving in your life lately? I pray that you are developing spiritually as you attend Rootsgroup and that you are inspired to apply God’s principles more and more in your life as you display Him.


It is with joy that I am writing this month’s newsletter to you.  Last month of June was what I simply call the reflection of the year 2013. Most of us probably do not reflect back on the year until December comes around. I like to challenge you this month and encourage you to start reflecting now. Are any of the goals you made being completed? Are you still on course? Or have you slowly fallen back into old ways of life? What are you doing today?

Let’s take a look at my life for instance. Last year in December 2012 I created a vision board for the year 2013. A major point that I wrote was to extend my time in the USA as a full-time missionary at Crossover Church. Now six months later I am actually in the USA as a full-time missionary. Are there any challenges that come with this goal? Yes, such as the fact that I am still awaiting answers from immigration officials to be approved to remain in the USA. Yet, I rejoice and think about the fact that in the meantime of waiting, I am where exactly? I am in America serving at Crossover Church as a full-time missionary. I believe that where God guides, He provides. “If God is for us, then who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31) God is for you and that is all that you should remember. We should all be excited to walk by faith and not by sight. Be intentionally active to know God’s promises for your life.

Be courageous and be bold And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28). Do not let circumstances stop you from reaching your goal. I am inspired to do God’s work, I get excited to share about his faithfulness to His children.

What’s new for the month of July:
-  I am going on a Mission trip with Thru Guidance Ministries in Coushatta, LA. Pray for the community that will take part into the Performing Arts Camp that we are hosting for a week.
- July 21 is the annual IndepenDANCE Bboy Jam @ Crossover Church
- July 21 is the next fundraiser for the upcoming Crossover Music & Arts Center
- July 26 Come visit PoetSoul a night of Spoken Word, Art, Music and Dance.

How can you Partner?
- Pray for God’s will to be done (James 4:15)
- Pledge to partner with Nikita as a missionary in the USA for only $10 or more per month and send in your donations to Crossover Church  with memo “International Missionary Nikita Carter”
- Email me any of your questions, prayer requests, praise reports @
- Visit The Missionary Life and connect @

“Being confident of this that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”-Philippians 1:6