Gods Grace is sufficient

Blessings to you,

I hope all is well, that you see Gods touch upon your life, and the lives of all you pray for.

I am in awe to see how quick this year is already moving forward. We are in the last quarter of the year until we go into the year of 2016. It makes me think about how much did I grow spiritually this year? How much effort did I put in my spiritual walk with God,my relationships with people and the experiences God has given me in order to grow?

Occasionally, I like to take a moment and simply be still. The sound of silence can be truly rewarding. I love how each word in the Bible brings encouragement, peace, joy, correction, wisdom and guidance and the truth needed for every area of life. Psalm 46:10 says "Be still and know that I am God" I have learned to appreciate stillness. For it is in the stillness, the alone times that I have experienced truly the deepest intimacy with God.

As I am extending my stay in the USA, I see God's favor upon my current season. A season of waiting to transition into a new ministry in the USA in full time missions. A season of preparing for new growth in talents, skills, prayer life and relationships. A season to trust God even more, for at times I don't understand everything He does, but I have a hope that truly keeps me going. I have experienced this year 2015 the grace and love of God in moments when I needed it the most.

I like to share a current book that I am reading at this moment, it has been a highlight for me in the many readings I have done this year 2015. 
Title: Dirty God, Jesus in the Trenches
Author:Johnnie Moore
Topic: This book is about grace. And how grace split time in half and made a broken world a playground again for the goodness and kindness of God.
This book makes you think, evaluate how you receive the grace of God constantly and whether you live in response to His grace.

You never know how much grace God has for you until you need it the most- Nikita Carter

You never know how much grace God has for you until you need it the most- Nikita Carter

I look forward to hear how you are and like to pray for you, email me at nikita@crossoverchurch.org


Nikita extends stay in USA

Jesus on a Mission= Nikita on a mission

Jesus showed the way and he lived his life as an example to all his followers. For three years he discipled, taught and showed what living for God looks like. When we say yes to Jesus, it also means we say yes to the messy parts of ministry, it means saying yes to continued grace and yes to continued hope. Jesus said: "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone"  (Mark 16:15)

It has been 2,5 years since I said yes to full-time mission work at Crossover Church, and I have taken the decision to extend my time in the USA after September 2015. I thank you for prayer and monetary support which makes it possible to continue the missionary stay in the USA.

What is it like to be in missions full-time. Well take a look and find out as I hosted 6 missionaries from Texas during their mission trip to Tampa last month at 7 local ministries in 3 days.

Help those in need
We all have dreams right? What better way is there to ignite and inspire kids to dream big by making vision boards with them. At the DreamCenter of Grace Family Church in Ybor City we spent an afternoon with kids and shared about having dreams for the future and the importance of having vision (Prov 29:18)

Spending time with urban kids from Ybor City at Dream Center

Spending time with urban kids from Ybor City at Dream Center

Pray for those in need
At 11:30pm we went out with a team of 11 and brought 30 boxes of pizza, and Macdonalds to feed over 60 homeless people in DownTown Tampa. Besides feeding stomachs, we prayed with anyone who desired prayer.

Feeding stomachs and lifting up souls with prayer in DownTown Tampa

Feeding stomachs and lifting up souls with prayer in DownTown Tampa

Love those in need
I had the opportunity to minister to women at the Alpha House of Tampa through music, dance, testimony sharing and fellowship. Alpha House is a place for homeless pregnant women and mothers with young children. They offer safe housing and the tools to become self-sufficient and effective responsible parents.
Visit for more info: www.alphahouseoftampa.org

Praying with Tina after we ministered to the women in Alpha House

Praying with Tina after we ministered to the women in Alpha House


Vol 3. Issue 5- June 2015

Summertime has fully arrived here in Tampa FL. Kids are out of school, which means more time available to serve our communities. If you haven't heard the latest update yet, come check it out now:

Here at Crossover Church we are launching a series called Tampa Matters. A variety of events and topics to spark conversations on what goes on in the city, the neighborhood and what do people enjoy or hope to see changed. As believers it can sometimes happen that we become so inwardly focused that we forget to go outward. So we are partnering with a variety of organizations this month to share God's love and grace through our innovative way of music, dance, spoken word and testimonies, so that those that might never step inside the church or can't leave their location, will still have the opportunity of the Gospel.

Throughout the series we will highlight impactful organizations and how the church becomes involved with the City of Tampa. We will share how Empowerment Matters,  Fathers Matter, Second Chances Matter and the Next Generation Matters.

Shout out to the organizations who have partnered with us to visit:
Alpha House- safe housing for homeless pregnant women
Veterans Hospital- health care services for veterans
Metropolitan Ministries- Providing hope through the services for poor and homeless families
Juvenile Detention Center- Speaking on purpose with Christ to the juvenile inmates of Tampa

On top of that Crossover Church is hosting a food packing event to help feed 100k people in need of food. God is so amazing how he provides in all these events.

In the end of the series on July 5, Crossover Church will have the annual IndepenDANCE  B-boy battle competition that will celebrate the dancer community that is present in the Tampa Bay area, followed by independence day Fireworks!!!

Stay Tune!! to see how the mission of TampaMatters evolves on Instagram Tampamatters and #tampamatters

Register at www.indepenDANCE813.eventbrite.com

Register at www.indepenDANCE813.eventbrite.com