Vol. 1 Issue 10- November 2013
Crossover Family and Friends,
“Hallelujah, Thank you Jesus!” is what I am shouting out loud from the top of my lungs. Have you ever experienced God’s favor so clearly that you know without a doubt that there must be a God? Believing in God is powerful, but being faithful in what God calls you to do is even more powerful. I have been through a series of testing of faith in this year of 2013.
I started a journey of volunteering in full-time ministry as an intern at Crossover Church at the beginning of this year. I was challenged with coming to the understanding that I had to be stretched further in my faith for the glory of God. It was no longer just focus on my relationship with Christ, but to receive the responsibility of teaching the Word of God and most important for me personally, was to trust God in a way I had never done before. It was to fully rely on God and keeping the faith that he was still going to provide in the midst of not having any financial income anymore.
Answering to God’s call is an honor, yet I find it very intimidating as well. All kinds of thoughts went through my head. “God, are you sure you chose me for this task?” “What if I cannot meet the expectations of the Crossover congregation and most importantly, “What about God’s expectations?”
This year I experienced 8 months where I had to wait on God for answers. I was waiting on immigration services who would determine whether I was going to be approved to remain in the U.S. at Crossover Church or possibly returning back home to Amsterdam, The Netherlands. On top of that I had to be courageous and bold enough to share my story with anyone I could, to raise the awareness and to raise up committed and faithful sponsors for the next two years at Crossover Church. Praise God, for everything that He has provided for me, for I truly see His work made perfect.
Are you being tested right now in this season in your life? Is God calling you, but you have not answered yet? The best move you can truly make is following God’s way, even when you do not know the outcome. The lesson I learned is as follow:
“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.”- Luke 6:10
Crossover’s Agenda for
the month of November:
- Nov 13 – Night of Worship at 730pm
- Nov 16- CMAC is hosting a Bootcamp Fun Family Day $10 p.p. and $15 per family
- Nov 17- Got teenagers? Have them come to the Youth
service The Movement @ 7p
- Nov 24- Membership 101 course – Make
it official and become part of the family
Find out now how you can support Nikita Carter as a missionary:
- Check out my support page The Missionary Life @ www.nikita-carter.squarespace.com/support/
- How can I
pray for you? Email me your prayer requests at nikita@crossoverchurch.org
“We live by faith, and not by sight”