Vol. 1 Issue 12
Greetings to you,
I hope you started 2014 year with an exciting outlook on what this year will look like. I hope that you have set achievable goals for yourself and your family. What are you going to do different this year? Or what have you started in 2013 and will you continue to cultivate in 2014? God is the Creator of everything, including you. With that being said, as His creation He has intended you to fulfill a purposeful life in glory and honor to His kingdom.
As this year started two weeks ago my dream for you is to have intimacy with God. May you receive wisdom, discernment and above all may you seek God’s will for your life. Often times we have plans and expectations of what needs to happen. In the midst of your plans I advise each person to seek God first, to surrender your plans to Him and to know that He could make changes to your plans. For ultimately “Many plans are in a man’s mind, but it is the Lord’s purpose for him that will stand” -Proverbs 19:21
As you seek God’s will and share the depths of your heart, let surrendering your life to God be part of the process. Surrendering takes away the weight of holding on to all the worries or the unknown. Surrendering means I give up my control over my life for His control over my life. Surrendering means you trust God to know and do what is best for your life.
I pray that this year 2014 represents to be a revelation to you and your family of what He desires. May you live life more in faith and may you be surrounded by like-minded people who seek God’s will for their lives. For “Bad company corrupts good character”- 1 Corinthians 15:33
Let’s start well and eliminate anything that keeps us further away from drawing nearer to God. I give thanks to God for placing me for such a time as this among many at Crossover Church. Being at Crossover this past year in full-time ministry has allowed me to develop and mature my faith in Jesus Christ and it continues to develop. I encourage anyone to have a faith community where you can be encouraged, prayed for, and guided in following your calling and purpose in life.
Crossover’s Agenda for the month of January:
- Jan 12- Guinness World Book of Record Freestyle battle with KJ52
- Jan 19 –Open House Day Care 3pm-5pm
- Jan 19- The Movement Youth service at 6pm
Discover how you can contribute to Nikita’s Mission?
- Check out the support tab
- Need prayer? Email your prayer requests to nikita@crossoverchurch.org
“Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm”