Vol. 2 Issue 10 -November 2014         

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Holidays
I am so happy to know
that the holidays are here. It gets colder even in Sunshine State Florida and the Christmas decorations are already up. The season of celebrating Jesus Christ more than ever has definitely arrived.

I wish you many blessings, may you be surrounded by those you love, but mostly may you know the love of God and the freedom that is found in His son Jesus Christ.

A year ago around this same time I shared the news that I was approved by immigration to be here for 2,5 years as a missionary while serving full-time the community of Crossover Church and Suitcase City. Things have been going well, I have been exposed to many new things in leadership, and I have seen lives being impacted by those that got invested at Crossover Church. God’s touch is phenomenal truly.

I simply call it L.I.F.E. (Living In Faith Everyday) a mindset I chose to take as I understood that God’s miracles are only possible by faith

Challenge of the month:
Lastly, I like to invite you to live a life intentionally for Jesus Christ. One that is limitless and meaningful. To live your life in faith, and not in fear. I can speak from experience that living by faith has been the greatest choice I have made since I became a missionary. The journey comes with sacrifice, obedience and even challenges. Yet, it has been the best path of life truly.

Save the Date: Support Nikita’s Mission Info Session
Nikita is faithfully planning for another year at Crossover Church. Will you partner with her and support her as a missionary in the USA?

Date: Sunday December 7, 2014 Time: 1:45pm-2:45pm
Location: Crossover Church, Classroom 2
FREE Lunch will be provided :)

To donate to Nikita Carter and her Mission at Crossover Church
- Check out the support page The Missionary Life @ www.nikitancarter.com/support/
- How can I pray for you? Email me your prayer requests at nikita@crossoverchurch.org

         “For we live by faith, not by sight” – 2 Corinthians 5:7