Vol. 2 Issue 3
A Letter to you:
How is your soul today? And what does that mean anyway? It means that I am interested to see how life is going beneath the surface and the friendly smile that most people will experience from you when you’re in school, on the road, at work or in church.
I have to confess when someone is asking me how are you doing? I am quick to answer: “I am great.” Even when it means life is upside down. A month ago I experienced a heartache I never thought I had to experience in my work environment. Truth be told my work environment is not just a place to work, it is where I dedicate and commit majority of my time and my life. When something happens it often feels personal.
Seasons in Life
Life is definitely a constant change, yet it is how we respond when that change comes. We will experience prosperity and even adversity while residing on earth. Resistance will only prolong our progress, but flexibility will help us stretch and grow and develop our character.
God is a loving, faithful, merciful, and good God. He desires us to become closer to Him and to follow after His son Jesus. When we go through hard times, it is easy to start complaining or to question where is God. When I faced adversity it was by no means easy, but I chose to be flexible, I made up my mind and was determined to learn from my pain, as well grow into the woman God wants me to be. Each trial in my life has truly been a blessing in disguise.
Are you facing any difficulties today? Do you feel heavy at heart? Does your pain feel like it is too much? I am here to encourage you that whatever the situation is do not remain focused on the pain and start looking to the one who is bigger than anything you will ever face.
Look to God for He will never leave nor forsake you.
Find out more about Nikita Carter and her Mission at Crossover Church
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- How can I pray for you? Email me your prayer requests at nikita@crossoverchurch.org
“Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: Rejoice!”