We just completed two great weeks in Central America. As always there is so much that takes place in the mission field from our concert outreaches, school assemblies and one-on-one moments of ministry. See how we were able to make a difference in the lives of the people in Roatan,Honduras and Belize.
Meet Nicole with her first born son Niqueron. While we visited an impoverished community in Roatan that had church service, we ended up staying for fellowship, prayer and to meet the many people of the community that are served weekly. We also invited people to one of our concerts in their neighborhood called Oak Ridge. May we never underestimate the power of spending time with the "one". Jesus made time for the "one" in the midst of many people he came across at.
Samir, one of the young boys in Oak Ridge community that we got to serve, quickly became my little buddy and took pride in showing me around in his hometown. As a stranger, it always means a lot when we get instantly treated as family. Think of someone today who you can make an impact on through your time, love and service?
Our first concert was in Oak Ridge community. The funds raised during this concert went out to help rebuild a home of a young single mother with kids who live in this house that is literally falling apart into the river. Thanks so much for sending us here! Together we can accomplish so much more!
Going to Roatan, is always special to me, because God has blessed me to now have friends in many places in the world. Pastor Nicole Monterroso is one of the amazing women that Jesus has brought in my life. She is a powerhouse for God together with her husband and family. Please remember in ministry you NEED those people who every now and then will encourage you, speak a word of life, or speak a reminder towards you. This trip she was that person to me, as I dealt with some insecurities and fears that surfaced in my life.
If ever in Roatan please check out their church Salvation Kingdom!
Did you know that our team Christafari, occassionally does school assemblies? Yes, it is one of my most favorite moments of ministry, because we get to pour into young teenagers through the sharing of our personal testimonies. It is in these moments I get to speak about the brokeness I have experienced through 2 divorces in my childhood, failed relationships, abortion, the struggle with same-sex attraction and the brokenness of dreaming of marriage and seeing it all come to an end with a broken engagement. God is in the business of taking brokeness and restoring His people back to wholeness. These beautiful girls are all precious in God's sight, their worth and identity is found in Jesus, and I am simply a messenger to testify that God has a plan for their lives!