Commitment 101

Vol. 2 Issue 7-August 2014         

"Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plan will succeed”- Proverbs 16:3

There is no better truth, than hearing the truth of the number 1 bookseller: The Bible. I have taken some time this month to look overall at how I am doing and how the ministries are doing that I am a major part of. In all you do there are three ingredients I always recommend for having a successful life, and I like to share them with you. So here they are:
1. Passion                             
2. Commitment                               3. Self-discipline

Let’s look at commitment and how essential it is to what we want in life. I want you to think about that desire you have in your heart, that dream to accomplish the goals that you have set for yourself. That college degree you want, that promotion, that credit card you have said you will pay off, or more important that desire to live for God and to serve God. I am sure there is something you can think of.

Commitment is the force that allows you to finish, long after you might not feel like it. Stay the course and do not give up. “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up”- Galatians 6:9

I have to remind myself often times of staying committed, especially when it looks as if I do not see the progress and on top of that the work hours seem to get longer more and more. When feelings start kicking in, I refocus and remember to be led by the spirit and not by emotions. Try it next time you ever feel like giving up.
Thank you for your time and be a blessing to someone today.

A special shout out to YOU, (you know who you are) who have been committed in supporting me as a missionary while serving the community at Crossover Church full-time. That is true commitment!

Much Love to many of you...

The Lord’s eyes range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him
— 2 Chronicles 16:9

Celebrate Together

Vol. 2 Issue 6-July 2014

Greetings to you,

May all be well today and I hope you are enjoying your summer so far. Here at Crossover Church it has been non-stop every week. Every week has been phenomenal and the campus has been full of activities. July started with the IndepenDance b-boy competition and it was officially the grand-opening of the dance floor that is now also available for several dance classes for the Crossover Music & Arts Center.
Crossover Church held their first time ever Vacation Bible School. The building was every night filled with at least 100 children, and most importantly they all got to learn about God’s power in their life.

The men at Crossover Church had a two day Dads & Diamonds event on biblical fatherhood and how to be a better male rolemodel. They absolutely had a blast as children and their fathers had a great time together without the moms!

Being part of Crossover Church is definitely a joy I experience and as a member you get to celebrate so many highlights together as a church family. We never know how much we will be blessed, until we decide to give of ourselves to where there is a need. Here at Crossover Church we have several ministries that can be a great fit to start serving God with your heart, time and talent. I encourage you to get plugged in as you get to meet people who seek God, who love God and not to forget the friendships you get to make.

Which brings to mind the following question: What are some things you get to celebrate? Is it your spiritual growth since you accepted Jesus Christ in your heart?
Is it a balanced life with work, family, and your relationships? How has following Jesus impacted your life for the better?

I look forward to meet you as you are at Crossover Church, and I thank God for you.

Save the date for upcoming events for August
August 1: Singles Night Out
August 4: Chosen Women Redefine Service
August 16: Back2School Jam Outreach to the community
August 21: Fight Club Men Service

August 24: Open Dance Sessions by CMAC

If God has placed in your heart to support me in prayer and financially as I serve as a missionary at Crossover Church then please check out the support tab. Every little bit counts.
Thank you and God bless you always.

Bless the Lord, my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name
— Psalm 103:1


On a mission

Vol. 2 Issue 5- June 2014

Greetings to you,

How are you doing today? May you see God’s hand on your life today and remember that you are blessed! Last month I briefly shared about who I am and what I do here in the USA as a missionary at Crossover Church. If I didn’t get a chance to meet you yet, please make sure you find me in the lobby after one of the worship services at Crossover Church.

This month of June has been an overflow of activities all to the glory of God. I was blessed to have received visitors from back home in the Netherlands. I am so thankful to know that God sends me exactly what I need always at the right timing. From time to time I think about my family and friends who I haven't seen in many years and this year 2014 has been a year of many people coming to Tampa Florida to visit me and seeing how I live  as a missionary life for Jesus Christ in an urban community at Crossover Church.

The most interesting visit so far this month was a missions team from Midland, TX from Church under the Bridge. For an entire week I had the honor to host a group of 12 people that came to Tampa to experience an Urban Mission Experience at Crossover Church. For 6 days they worked hard and served many homeless people at Metropolitan Ministries and Amazing Love Ministries, and they served the community of Suitcase City. Being on a mission for Jesus Christ is something I encourage people to think of daily. Not only is it a humbling experience to serve, but it reminds us that we are not here to be served. For anyone who has decided to follow Jesus, it should become a norm to serve and to share the hope you have while on earth.

If you even today are wondering about God’s plan for your life, then I highly encourage you to serve in several areas at your church, or non-profit organizations that are for the improvement of the community and people. It is in these serving moment that you find out what your are passionate about or what is not for you. I know for me personally it was going on a mission trip to Rwanda that ultimately changed my heart and inspired me to take the courage to answer God’s calling on my life as a missionary.

God has a plan for all of us and that means you too. Seek Him, pray to Him and allow Him to reveal his Master plan for your life.

Be blessed!

Check out the support page, if you are called to support me in my mission at Crossover ChurchThank you so much!

Check out the support page, if you are called to support me in my mission at Crossover Church
Thank you so much!

Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples.
— Psalm 96:3