I have just landed 24 hrs ago back into the USA. Still fighting off the jet lag, but I couldn't wait and share what happened. Currently I am stationed in my new residence in L.A. California where I am starting off my official full-time season with Christafari band. I am beyond ecstatic to say that this last tour was filled with so many highlights! Our team consisted of people from Brazil, hawaii, USA and myself from Netherlands. We were two weeks in the following countries: Czech Republic, Poland and United Kingdom.
Some things I learned while ministering in Czech Republic is that about 95% considers themselves atheist, yet everywhere we were, you could find the influence of Christianity and catholicism in old buildings, artwork and churches. Then in Poland we played at the Be Like Jesus Festival holding around 10,000 people, where majority consider themselves Christian/Catholic and then in England we had the experience of playing at New Life Church. Which was absolutely an impactful outreach as we did a concert Saturday night, followed by Sunday worship services. Over a 2 weeks spam, we managed to hold 8 concerts, share the Gospel of Jesus 8 times and witnessed hands go up every night when asked if they would receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
People responding to Altar Call at New Life Church, in Derby England
We played in an inner city neighborhood at New Life Church, which was literally across from this Islamic Mosque. I also witnessed that Sunday morning a man of the mosque who entered in the church to sit in a Sunday morning service!! Jesus has truly a way of making a way in people hearts. Glory to God!
Upcoming Nikita Missionary News
June 20-July 5 ministering with Christafari in L.A. California
July 6 - July 16 final goodbyes in Florida and Crossover Church
July 18- Central America Mission (Belize, Honduras, Guatemala)