How has your summer been so far? Returning back to Central America (Belize and Honduras) with Christafari was impactful, soul-changing, challenging, reflective and humbling. Being officially moved out to L.A. California and settling into the new place has been going great. God is teaching me to rest in Him and to learn to trust Him all over again. All over again? Yes, that is correct. The truth is being a missionary has brought me the greatest growth the last 5 years spiritually. The new change of going full-time as an international missionary, has also put an increase on having to raise double, and reality is support has gone down. Ouch! Yet, I can't deny how I feel gratitude though, because I do feel peace in the midst of these current big changes. I'm reminded of his declaration to the church of Corinth: "Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible... I do all this for the sake of the Gospel, that I may share in its blessings." (1 Cor 9:19, 23)
Being in a new place takes definitely time to adjust, but I am committed, determined, focused, and know that I am going to continue to serve Christ, for I truly feel honored to walk out this faith walk and look forward to have you join the journey!
Sharing the hope of Jesus Christ with the people of Honduras in Trash City
Feeding and clothing the people who live inside the biggest trash dumps of Tegucigalpa
Giving my testimony to the youth in Cofradia, San Pedro Sula #TestimonyTuesday
Lastly I like to share some words from Pastor Mark Mohr, Leader and founder of Christafari:
Our vision is: "Reaching the lost at any cost..."
When we say "reaching," we mean not just going, but sharing and touching. In addition to preaching the Gospel, that means laying hands on the sick and shaking hands with the poorest of the poor in the trash cities of Honduras.
"The lost" to us is not just those who haven't yet met Jesus, but also the backsliders. The word "lost" also encompasses the "last" (remote tribes and unreached people groups) and the "least" (like the prisoners we just ministered to in Belize and those we fed and clothed in Tegucigalpa).
"At any cost" is by far the hardest pill to swallow. It's what we have to remind ourselves of every single day in the field so we can power through sleepless nights, back pain, uncomfortable lodging, questionable meals, sickness, unbearable heat, arduous travel days, finances, and other countless sacrifices. But all of these pale in comparison to what Jesus endured for us, or what Paul faced. And they are far outweighed by the eternal value of a soul (let alone four thousand)!
Check out our newest video "Backslider" hope it blesses you